
Company Registration Number: 08749379 (England and Wales)

Registered Office: Westgate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 3HP

Current Trustees of Bishop Luffa Learning Partnership


Mr James Wilson
Chair of Trustees

A Governor of Bishop Luffa School since January 2014. I run a small business, employing six people designing, manufacturing and exporting wireless sensors internationally. My previous experience includes Technical Director and Sales & Marketing Director roles. I am actively involved in Chichester Baptist Church and have four children. I am passionate about looking for ways to do things better.



Type of Trustee


Date appointed

27 January 2022

Term of office

4 years


Chair of Board of Trustees

Attendance (Full Board of Trustees)

7 of 7

Committee Membership

Audit & Risk

Attendance (Committees)

Audit & Risk - 1 of 3

Please note that the attendance information relates to the academic year 2023-2024 (1/9/2023 to 31/8/2024)


Mr Brian Dempster

A Governor at Bishop Luffa since 2009, having been encouraged by governing at a local primary school. A career in financial and operational management divided between Lloyds Bank and then with my own company for 30 years has provided me with the necessary skills and experience for my current role as a Bursar in an Independent School in Hampshire. I enjoy my role with Bishop Luffa and am pleased that my five children have or are being happily educated at the school.


Type of Trustee


Date appointed

27 January 2022

Term of Office

4 years



Attendance (Full Board of Trustees)

6 of 7

Committee Membership

Audit & Risk

Rumboldswhyke Local Governing Body

Attendance (Committees)

Audit & Risk - 3 of 3

 Please note that the attendance information relates to the academic year 2023-2024 (1/9/2023 to 31/8/2024)


Mr Nigel Hoggarth

I retired from teaching in 2011 following a career in Comprehensive Secondary School Management. I was a Deputy and Interim Head in various schools and an Advisory Head for a Local Education Authority. I have an MA in Education and hold the National Professional Qualification for Headship. I am a retired Justice of the Peace and previously sat in Adult and Family Courts in Hampshire. My daughter attended Bishop Luffa.  I am the Chair of Governors for Bishop Luffa School.


Type of Trustee


Date appointed

1 December 2021

Term of Office

4 years


Chair of Bishop Luffa Local Governing Body

Attendance (Full Board of Trustees)

6 of 7

Committee Membership

Bishop Luffa Local Governing Body

Audit & Risk

Faith & Worship

Attendance (Committees)

Audit & Risk - 2 of 3

Faith & Worship - 2 of 3

Please note that the attendance information relates to the academic year 2023-2024 (1/9/2023 to 31/8/2024)


Miss Margaret Lumley

Having read English Language and Literature at Oxford and a PGCE, I spent my entire working life teaching in a wide variety of mainly maintained schools, both in England and in Switzerland, where I also studied for a Swiss teaching qualification. I have been fully involved in all aspects of parish life since childhood, singing in church choirs and playing the organ. Currently I am on my PCC, Deanery Synod secretary and a member of Diocesan Synod.  As a member of the Diocesan Overseas Council, I am part of the team that co-ordinates school links in West Africa.


Type of Trustee


Date appointed

1 December 2021

Term of Office

4 years


Chair of Faith & Worship Committee

Attendance (Full Board of Trustees)

6 of 6

Committee Membership

Rumboldswhyke Local Governing Body

Faith & Worship

Attendance (Committees)

Faith & Worship - 3 of 3

Please note that the attendance information relates to the academic year 2023-2024 (1/9/2023 to 31/8/2024)


The Reverend Canon Paul Seaman

Since 2017 I have been the Rector of St Mary’s Church in Pulborough and the Ex-Officio Governor of our village church primary school.

Before ordination I trained as a primary school teacher and taught for a short time in an infants’ school in Berkshire. Following ordination I have served as the Vicar/Rector of several parishes and served as a governor on a number of governing bodies over the last thirty years. This included serving on the governing body of Rumboldswhyke School for eleven years when I was Rector of St Georges, Whyke.

Among my other responsibilities, I currently serve as the Vice Chair of the Diocesan Board of Education which is the body that has the responsibility of overseeing the work of all the church schools across Sussex. I am very pleased to serve as a Trustee for the Bishop Luffa Learning Partnership, supporting the outstanding work being done in our schools and looking to expanding and developing the work of the Trust in the years ahead.

Type of Trustee


Date Appointed

9 November 2021

Term of Office

4 years



Attendance (Full Board of Trustees)

6 of 7

Committee Membership

Faith & Worship

Attendance (Committee)

2 of 3

Please note that the attendance information relates to the academic year 2023-2024 (1/9/2023 to 31/8/2024)


Former Trustees of Bishop Luffa Learning Partnership


Mrs Ann Smith

I retired from teaching following a career as a music specialist with experience in both Secondary and Primary education. I also ran a successful piano tuition business for many years. I have a first-class honours degree in Music and Related Arts (joint) and a PGCE.

I have served on the Governing Board of Lavant CE Primary School for 5 years and am particularly interested in championing SEND and disadvantaged children. I currently have two grandchildren attending Bishop Luffa and two who recently progressed to Further Education. I have a broad and balanced outlook on life and would like to ensure that pupils attending schools within the Bishop Luffa Learning Partnership have the best education within a safe, caring, and positive environment to allow them to build resilience and hope for the future.

Type of Trustee


Date Appointed

20 February 2024

Term of Office

4 years



Attendance (Full Board of Trustees)

4 of 4

Committee Membership

Audit & Risk

Faith & Worship 

Attendance (Committee)

Audit & Risk - 2 of 2

Faith & Worship - 1 of 2 

Please note that the attendance information relates to the academic year 2023-2024 (1/9/2023 to 31/8/2024)


Mrs Jude Edwards

For the past 12 years I’ve worked as an educational trainer, providing CPD in Maths and English to primary school teachers. Prior to my training role I was a Deputy Head teacher in a junior school. I have achieved the NPQH. Recently I re-trained to become a Funeral Celebrant and am experiencing the huge privilege of conducting funerals and journeying with families at the most difficult times of their lives. 

I currently attend Chichester Baptist Church and hold a number of volunteer roles there. I am a mother of two; my son is in Year 12 at Bishop Luffa School and my daughter is having a gap year before heading to University.

Type of Trustee

Foundation (Resigned 17th November 2023)

Date Appointed

11 January 2022

Term of Office

4 years



Attendance (Full Board of Trustees)

0 of 1

Committee Membership


Attendance (Committee)


Please note that the attendance information relates to the academic year 2023-2024 (1/9/2023 to 31/8/2024)


Mrs Lindsey Parslow

I am the Managing Director of Mayfair Quarters Limited, a procurement and travel business in London. I am also the Chief Executive of Business2Schools, a charity that donates business furniture and tech to state schools. I am a former Director of the Schoolsworks Academy Trust and SCC member of the Rose Green Junior School. I have five children of which three have attended Bishop Luffa. My daughter left for university in the class of 2020 and I have one son still at the school. My passion is in creating fantastic learning environments for children and students through the circular economy, building links to businesses and improving the quality of tech in schools; therefore maximising opportunities for school funding so as to ultimately improve the outcomes for all state school children.

Type of Trustee

Co-opted (Resigned 13th December 2023)

Date Appointed

1 September 2020

Term of Office

4 years 



Attendance (Full Board of Trustees)

0 of 1

Committee Membership

Audit & Risk

Attendance (Committee)

0 of 1

Please note that the attendance information relates to the academic year 2023-2024 (1/9/2023 to 31/8/2024)